Fat are very risk for your life !!!
I doubt that if fat is to risk of illness or not ?
FAT can explain diversified all over chubby , rotund , plump , obese and heavy. I see that fat very or few but risk to danger.
Now I knew ! fat can risk to sickness. Although , somebody that thin , I think you can be sickness too . It's about how did you spend your life , what did you eat . I used to hear an idiom that " You are What you eat ? " It was true because if you eat a lot of meat , you will fat but if you eat vegetables , your health was good too.
I think obesity is very danger, it can be if you eat a lot of sugar or somethings sweet . Somebody can be " Diabetes " although , you didn't eat sugar . Sometimes Diabetes can be cause by the body doesn't produce enough insulin! It caused by in your body work unusual.
Many people can be this ! You must take care yourself a lot .
Fat person is very risk because they eat many kinds of food
and I thought that a fat person must like a food that sweet or about junk food and I knew that they don't like vegetables or fruits just how much.
Fat is very bad in many ways ! Both risk to sick and do everything slowly more than many people such as in this picture the have two of fat kids , it is very very risk to sick and hard to spend your life since now until they grow up . I'll example about " Diabetes " this is the best sick in many people . Now, you don't know that you have sickness or not .If you always do like this in your daily life you must be illness !!
Should take care yourself more and more.
search it : http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE63I5PH20100419
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